About Us

I am a life long Cincinnati Reds fan who has always loved to collect cards. This year I decided to start sending cards through the mail and attempting to get them autographed. I am looking for others who enjoy this hobby so we can share information with each other and increase all of our chances of adding to our collection. 

History of my project

As a baseball collector I ran across a new way of adding baseball cards to my collection this winter. I began to group break online with Dave at www.bighitbreaks.net. It was a very exciting new aspect to collecting and I was lucky enough to get many great cards. One of the favorite products to group break was Bowman Draft so we could chase prospect autos. As Spring Training neared I realized I had more Bowman Draft cards than I knew what to do with. So I decided to risk my beloved baseball cards and send them out to Spring Training and attempt to get them signed. The amount of signed cards from top prospects that I received back was surprising. I then decided I would continue this hobby and attempt to collect as many autographs as I could. I started out by sending to older Reds players, now I am regrouping and sorting cards to send out. First and foremost this would not have been possible without the address book put out by Harvey at  www.sportsaddresslists.com. His book has been my bible throughout this project and is well worth the money. Now I am attempting to share knowledge and link up with others interested in the hobby. 


ttmbaseball Twitter: @Rpsaylor ryansiphone77@yahoo.com